Posting course notes

You need to receive a course folder containing a hard copy of delegate notes to take part in our virtual classroom courses. This means that we need to post a package about 340mm x 250mm x 75mm to you well in advance of course start date.

Help us to ensure that it reachs you in time for the course by notifying us of either:

  • your home address, or
  • alternative address from where you can access course notes before course start

At least 10 days before the course starts, update your Xact XLE User account to provide the address where you want your notes sent as follows:

Xact XLE user account

  1. Login into your account
  2. Click Profile in left menu
  3. Click Edit profile in User profile box (top left) in webpage
  4. Scroll down to Description field and enter the following postal information.
  1. Home or alternative address
  2. Recipient of package e.g. name of individual or organisation
  3. Full postal address


Home, Samantha Patel, 25 Station Road, Burton, Brecon KG4 11TG

Work, IPS Systems, Seaham Industrial Estate, Durham SR7 0PT

  1. Click Update profile at bottom of webpage
  2. Postal information will appear at top of your profile

Note: No account, follow link to create an Xact one